In the summer of 2024 we asked members of the Hub to complete a short survey to help the team understand how things are going.
Over 400 members replied and here are the results. 

Summaries at the top and unedited raw capture of all the free text responses below.

All answers to the question "Belonging to the Hub helps me and/or my ministry by …"

providing a safe place to seek help advice and support if needed, and often a place where someone has already asked the question before me.

Keeping me abreast of the issues that face clergy

...helping to maintain a wider perspective on ministry ups and downs ...maintaining a unique anonymity which is impossible in other ministry contexts ...being able to receive and give tips from experience

giving the opportunity to ask both practical and more spiritual questions, anonymously.

Helping me realise my problems are not unique but rather common to others.

Helping me realise the situations I have are the same/similar to those others are facing.

Providing a connection with others, especially in seeking advice and drawing on the experience of others. However it can perpetuate negative conversations and sometimes it depresses me.

allowing me to be aware of matters of concern, and more, affecting colleagues (known or unknown) and giving me the opportunity (occasionally) to share my views, and even my questions.

offering a safe space to question, get advice and support

reminding me that the Church of England and God are separate entities!

keeping informed of current debates and practical issues in supporting others.

...offering a place for discussion or seeking advice on a whole range of subjects, many of which I had not even considered as areas to discuss until the topic had been raised. Receiving the weekly update email always gives me food for thought for the day/week ahead.

Providing a safe space to ask questions and share experiences and wisdom.

Keeping me aware of issues others are facing

Helping in the two-way process of supporting each other

helping me to feel less isolated. Raises awareness of potential issues faced by active retired clergy.

Asking the questions you can’t ask anywhere else. Being supported anonymously but knowing that everyone is verified. It’s totally unique and important. Please do keep funding it!

Being able to ask questions and seek opinion. Browsing other people's questions on topics that interest me.

Helping me to realise that there are others going through similar issues but also to be kept up to date with all that is going on in the ministry of the church of whatever denomination. I don't often comment but often pray for people - not just those that request prayer and I find that it keeps me connected with others in ministry especially as my full time ministry role has until very recent retirement was in chaplaincy

finding solutions to questions and issues

When I was in a deep crisis, it was hugely helpful to find support online, and to find other people had experienced the same sort of issues. You realise you are not alone.

giving me somewhere absolutely safe and confidential to turn for advice and support. Less crucially, but also much appreciated, reading through old threads provides wonderful assurance that much of the random 'stuff' of ministry happens to other people too - and I pick up helpful tips on how to deal with it.

Having a safe space to ask questions and think through concerns and uncertainties. Knowing others have similar experiences of life and specialist knowledge.

Offering a supportive space which can be anonymous if needed.

offering a safe place to seek advice and to learn from others.

Felling included and a part of a network that understands

Allowing me to express any worries or concerns in a safe space. It is also reassuring to know im not alone in things.

people sharing issues that I have experienced and providing a variety of nuanced answers or simple support

being a place where I can connect with others in ministry, offering support in what is so often a lonely and isolating role.

Providing a safe space to air issues

Connecting me to others serving in ministry who are looking to support each other in being the best we can be while caring for ourselves and those we serve.

Reminding me that the challenges I face are ones that many others have also faced and that I can learn from their experiences and advice.

Opportunity to encourage those in ministry to find on-going accompaniment, including Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Supervision.

keeping me connected to a larger world of ministry, and knowing that there is somewhere I can ask questions that are bothering me when necessary.

Feeling there are people who have experiences and willing to share them when local situations do not offer suppot.

Occasionally I find helpful advice about ministry matters

Providing a space where I might find help with issues that I can’t easily ask anyone in person about.

Keeping me informed about church lif and leadership from the inside. Giving safe space to vent frustrations and ask sensitive questions

I mostly just read the forum for those in CHARM properties and I have found that very helpful in understanding the way the Pensions Board works and in the way the group can support one another. There is real support and a desire to make a difference.

Enabling peer support in an otherwise isolating role.

Knowing that things I experience in ministry are experienced by others.

understanding all the pressures on clergy

Learning from how others cope in situations very similar to my own. Eg working in church is unique and different from working at other paid jobs, as it has fuzzier edges, both / ands,

Connecting me to others in an increasingly depersonalised institutional church.

Learning about the issues faced by many clergy.

knowing that there's a safe space to be honest and seek help.

being a safe place where I can bring my questions/concerns/dilemmas in ministry, learn from the wisdom of others and make my own contributions.

...seeing what's going on

being a safe place to share views and experience around church issues and sometimes laugh together.

providing me with a feeling of not being alone

a safe place for sharing the challenges of ministry

Seeing others struggling as much as me

Giving me a safe place to air my worries, and find out if I’m being reasonable, and if there are helpful ways of going forwards besides or before approaching senior clergy in the diocese.

Just being there! Especially useful has been/is the private CDM forum.

knowing there is somewhere people can turn to for support

By giving a safe and confidential space to ask questions, seek advice or voice experiences that are not possible to share with colleagues locally, as it’s not always a safe or supportive environment.

I only use the Hub to pray for others in ministry - hence my answer to the question above. I see this as something I can offer in active retirement.

Airing views for wider comment, and researching past wisdom

exploring sensitive issues and stimulating reflection.

making me feel part of a community providing different points of view on various subjects providing useful resources

Being a safe space to feel supported

I belong to the CHARM group. It is (in the current climate with the Pensions Board) a great forum to share thoughts, current stresses and problems and to be part of a community who 'get it' and who understand.

Giving me a place to connect with issues safely

Giving me a sense of not being alone in the challenges and trials of ministry in the C of E

providing a place where I can find, where needed, advice, direction, honest appraisal, a sense of community and a listening ear . . . and a smile or two!

Knowing I’m not alone in my frustrations with the CofE

Helping me realise am not alone in what I face - brings perspective!

Since I am now retired and am not fit enough health wise to conduct services etc the hub does not actually help me at all. But I have always supported Sheldon, and continue to do so, because my own experiences when IN active Ministry convince me that the sort of assistance given by Sheldon is absolutely necessary

To keep a little bit in touch with others

Creating a community of people who get it, and probably know what will help

Connecting with others in ministry (paid/unpaid; active/retired) helps with the isolation one can feel at times

realising that my feelings are shared by others and I'm not on my own. Good to see how others have tackled various problems and i can learn from them.

Realising how lucky I am compared to some who post

giving me a safe place, away from my working context and diocese to journey with others who may have similar experiences.

being a safe space in which to interact with others.

enabling me to be part of conversations, sometimes anonymously, about the reality of being a vicar.

Connecting me to the wider church community (I'm rural retired)

Helping me realise I’m not alone

Feeling there are others out there who share the same dilemmas

Providing a wide forum of views and advice

I love the Hub. Got me through sticky times. It’s excellent.

Quite often finding others are asking the questions I might ask.

Knowing others are going through trials. This feeds into wider awareness of common issues in ministry

Giving me a forum to ask for help and wisdom.

It keeps me abreast of the issues facing active clergy. Before I retired it was much more relevant but now I'm not faced in the same way with issues around responsibility.

Keeping me in touch with current issues for clergy etc.

A place to share issues anonymously and find a variety of responses. A feeling I am not alone.

allowing me to feel that I am not alone in my journey or my struggles

Hearing other peoples views as well as their struggles

to ask questions safely, however seemingly trivial or small but important to me, and to learn from others’ experience and wisdom.

helping me understand that I wasn't alone and others were finding ministry the same.

reminding me that when things are going wrong it's not necessarily my fault! good way to access other people's ideas on tricky situations

Letting me know that I am not alone

giving me a safe space to question/air views etc. And keeping me in touch with what is going on

having a safe and secure reflective space with peer support and connectivity which cuts through isolation especially when in difficult and sometimes toxic contexts. Being connected into a wider and supportive community enables holding on to the good whilst also facing the difficult and working out best ways forward. Invaluable. In an of itself a reminder that there is much good in ministry as well as the many and varied challenges. Also a place to be aware of resources and research.

...providing a safe and knowledgeable environment in which matters that affect and concern colleagues can be aired and discussed.

Knowing there is a community of people who understand, listen, are compassionate and can offer guidance and support when needed.

Keep in touch with developments and issues in ministry.

Being retired and not in very active ministry, I find it interesting to see what others are experiencing, but I don't often need the kind of support it offers.

Being able to share things should l need to.

Providing an opportunity to raise issues which are relevant to retired (PTO) ministry.

Providing invaluable support especially with stresses, challenges, and trauma

being a place where others may be experiencing similar

Helping me to understand different perspectives, and giving me a sense of the breadth of the church.

Staying informed about ministry issues for my supervisory role.

assuring me I am not alone & others are having the same struggles & difficulties - or sharing joys.

providing me with a safe place to connect with others in ministry where I have found help and support in my role within the Church.

learning from other people's experience of the things I go through: e.g. readjusting following final retirement.

Knowing I'm not alone.........

Allowing me to express myself, ask questions I cannot elsewhere, and offer help.

Giving me a safe space to connect with other ministers and explore issues.

I know it is there to help if/when it is needd

Largely offering support to others now that I am retired

putting me in touch with others, realising i am not alone. remember something about how to operate, see others making mistakes i made, pass on useful (amd useless) advice, realise why i left cofe for rc

keeping abreast of things

Just.knowing there is a community which.listens and offers helpful and supportive advice

Allows me to encounter other people’s experiences on every ministry issue and alerts me to current issues. However I have found that certain topics are still very triggering, so I only use it occasionally. Also, despite very good active moderators, other people’s comments can be very confronting on certain topics.

being an independent place of wisdom and encouragement

Just being there 24/7 both prayerfully, & practically when needed.

Keeps me up to date and gives me advice and help on issues that are important to me - eg. retirement, safeguarding issues, diocesan issues

Letting me see how others cope

being a safe space where clergy can ask honest questions of other clergy and receive (on the whole) honest answers without posturing, pietising or proselytising.

being there as a support

having a range of viewpoints, age, experience and ecumenism.

Asking others about issues that I am facing and receiving the cumulative wisdom from people from wide a range of contexts, ministerial experience and theological perspectives.

a safe, confidential space to request and receive support for a wide range of personal and professional issues - a small but useful resource section that signposts further suggestions and advice - it's invaluable amidst the rapidly changing context of ministry today

Feeling that I can be in solidarity with the struggles. That there are others out there facing similar challenges. Helping me to feel less isolated.

Being there

Being there

I choose not to use the hub. The first and only time I used it the response made me feel that I was being judged as stupid for following Gods calling.

Being part of a wider community than would be possible based on geography alone.

Being a safe place to ask questions that you might not be able to ask anywhere else.

Keeping me up to date with current issues

Connecting me to others in a similar situation

Being a safe place to share concerns or worries or problems and to help and support other ministers.

Recognising that I am not alone in having been subject to a CDM and facing the consequences of that. (Safeguarding is not properly addressed, in my opinion/experience.)

Enabling me to hear from a wider range of people across denominations

I have only recently retired. It has been useful to know what is happening for others and that has sometimes resonated with me. I think this survey lacks the possibility to say I am neutral about aspects of the hub so these answers will sound more negative than I am.

keeping what I do and face in perspective. A lot of people have it far worse than me.

Seeing that I'm not the only one struggling.

Helping me realise I am not alone in facing issues

keeping in touch with wider opinions and experience

connecting with others

Being a place where I can ask questions and gauge where others are at

Seeing that I'm not the only one who faces challenges and reading others advice helps me to form my own opinion about matters. M

Knowing I am not alone with problems. It’s not just me!

Giving me a space to ask the questions or for support in a space that is psychologically safe amongst peers.

Realising that must issues faced by ministers are common, ie we are it alone or unique It is mostly Anglican so is not always relevant to a baptist like me

Broadening my understanding of the issues facing clergy / church across the board; getting behind t

he headlines, beyond the joys and challenges of my particular small corner and fuelling prayer. creating community

Being able to contact others and obtain help and support

Providing a space where people understand

providing information and support

Keeping in touch with live issues

Putting me in touch anonymously with those who have travelled the same painful road as myself.

knowing it is there for help / support when I need it. Whenever I do go to the Hub I always find what I need

Feel that I am not alone in my struggles and challenges in ministry

Providing safe space for peer discussion with those who really know.

Reminding me that the issues I face are also common to my peers.

Being a go-to place where ministers of various traditions can exchange ideas and suggest answers, from personal experience, to practical problems.

Knowing I am not alone

Increasing awareness of issues which colleagues are facing. But it can also be an echo chamber, where the quality of advice is, to say the least, suspect.

Allowing me a safe space where I can ask broader questions about ministry in a confidential way.

Allowing me to ask others for advice in a safe confidence space.

Allowing me to share problems anonymously.

I’m not now in ministry, but the Hub helps me with issues regarding my CHARM housing. I also find it useful in reflecting back over issues I faced during my ministry.

Keeping me informed of issues that affect me

Knowing I am not alone

Reminding me that I am not alone in ministry and providing me with a safe space to share and reflect.

Giving me a feeling that there is someone out there. Ministry is very very isolating and lonely at times.

Allowing me to read of the experience of others, occasionally make a response, and also learn from responses

Giving me the opportunity to ask for advice and support from others who are in, or have been in, the same situation as I am in.

providing reflection on contemporary thinking.

Giving me a safe space to share struggles, concerns, opportunities for growth, and wisdom. It's good to talk to others who "get it". And sometimes it's made a huge difference to my wellbeing.

Ministry can be very isolating and knowing there is a safe place to share and to hear others concerns is invaluable.

Know there is somewhere to say what is happening and be able to safely share it.

Reducing the sense of isolation Keeping me aware of what is currently of interest/problemmatic/needs to be reflected on

Although I'm out of ministry I frequently meet clergy. I can be a listening ear and the hub keeps me informed. At times I have contributed to the hub.

Offering a non-judgemental place of pastoral support, especially with the more unusual questions and situations

exposing me to a wide range of views and experiences which can be expressed safely because of anonymity’s

Being a place to go for shared wisdom and engaging with people who have or have had similar experiences.

Although PTO and currently only intermittently active in ministry, I continue to use the Hub to feel connected to those exercising any kind of ministry, the wider church, and to others who have journeyed as priests and experienced really difficult stuff. I find the practical stuff, the theological reflection, the spiritual and pastoral input very helpful. E.g. the new rules governing Weddings in the CofE. I have used the prayer thread in the past.

helping me realise I am not alone in what I face, and just seeing the headlines on the emails remind me that ministry is not a solo journey, but is best carried out with others in support.

knowing there is a place to ask the questions you really don't want to ask anywhere else.

providing a safe space to explore challenging pastoral situations with a detached, compassionate and very experienced group of peers, who are well able to offer a range of perspectives and advice

I have PTO but no longer do up front ministry. I facilitate learning in my parish and I am also someone who listens to and supports clergy, including two very specifically: my friend who is a suffragan bishop and a priest in her first incumbency. The hub is a way of staying in touch with ministry at a local and diocesan level and giving me awareness of current ussues and concerns.

Being a resource when I need it

It's good to see that many of the issues in ministry have a common thread. One does not feel alone.

Providing a safe space to share issues that are important to me with people who understand. Ministry can be a lonely calling and the Hub offers companionship along the way with fellow travellers. Also our conversations help me to reflect on past hurts and that is very helpful. The opportunity to offer support to others in a non-directive way is also affirming.

True anonymity, access to wisdom of peers - though I would say that there is too much blanket negativity about the Church of England for my taste.

It is interesting to hear about what is happening in other places without the normal chapter competitiveness. Makes you aware that problems are more universal.

Making connections within and across denomination

Offering experience and learning to those in early years or encountering difficulties.

providing a space to ask questions anonymously, and with confidentiality. It is a place where there different diocese are represented and it is interesting to see how different diocese handle different things.

Being able to explore issues that are concerning me and connecting me to collective wisdom and experience

providing resources and a safe place to raise questions.

providing a forum where I can share concerns, seek support and access wise counsel. It enables me to find resolution to issues that are concerning me.

providing a safe space to receive support/ advice from others in ministry

Sharing concerns; giving support and encouragement

I am a URC retired minister and I find the hub self absorbed Anglican. If a free church minister does try to get involved I feel they are irrelevant to many other hub users. The one true church and all that! Sorry!

Being an easily accessible source of confidential support

Keeping me in touch with current church issues including ones I may be able to offer experience

Having access to a wide variety of experienced support ands resources in a confidential setting. The ability to ask questions and receive a good selection of responses is very helpful.

Slightly less lost

Connecting clergy with others across a wide spectrum of the chuches Makes you feel that you are not alone Gives opportunity to support and be supported - mutuality

I find the Hub supports me in that I can find people in the same situation and gain support and experience in how they are coping with the situation.

Being a confidential space, far more so that Facebook. Being a friendly space with a lot of wise voices and a really broad range of experiences that make discussions rich. Also people point well to external sources like theology, books, websites and Sheldon’s own resources.

Being a place to ask and share in confidence and without judgement.

reminding me that I'm not alone

Tapping in to a great deal of experience, wisdom, prayer...and humour!

Keeping me up to date with issues faced by other ministers, especially Anglican (I am not!)

opening up conversations that probably wouldn't take place in other places.

Knowing that I am not alone in my experiences and that there is a safe space to share thoughts.

helping me to remember that I am not alone and others have similar problems

Reassuring me that I am not alone. Got me through some very difficult patches, because I knew it was there. Offered hope and new ideas. Able to share experience. Enjoyed the opportunities to learn more and wider my experience.

It is always interesting to hear clergy so frankly discussing their issues in such a safe space. A genuinely authentic feel.

Seeing that I’m not alone.

helping me feel that I am not alone


It’s anonymity and the freedom to express and support questions and issues that otherwise might not be so easy to address

Providing a platform where I can share with my peers at a time which suits me and learn from the questions and answers.

Making me feel less alone

exposing me to a wide range of views and experiences which can be expressed safely because of anonymity’s

Realising that the difficulties are not only affecting me.

Being a safe place to ask difficult questions about ministry without fear of reprisals

Being a resource for supporting whole life ministry, and not just the 'public facing' parts

Shared experience and knowledge

Being able to share experiences with people who understand the nature of ministry life.

knowing that others struggle with similar problems and situations.

Keeping me informed on issues affecting other clergy.

...knowing that there are others out there with the same or similar problems or solutions

Providing a forum where I can safely ask questions and get support.

Offering good peer support

Not feeling alone and isolated. By seeing that others are struggling with the same issues.

There is always someone to ask questions of…and no question is too small.

Find support and advice from those who really know what ministry is about.

Being a safe place to seek support, and to be honest about it's trials...

allowing me to engage with a range of views in exploring some of the more difficult issues facing the Church, its ministers and people today.

Having folk at arms length who get it about being in ministry and will pray and advise and offer pesonal encouragement.

letting me tap into a wide pool of wisdom and experience; giving me encouragement; giving me perspective on issues which are difficult, when ministry can be isolated and expectations are not always clear or realistic.

Providing a safe space to ask questions of my peers and how they have dealt with issues when they started this journey, which we are just starting out in now.

Simply being there

The Hub has been a key part of being able to remain in paid ministry. Through the Hub I realised lots of the issues I experience are ministry issues that others also struggle with - it wasn't just me - often dioceses and senior clergy blame clergy for experiencing what is just a common ministry issue. I felt like I wasn't alone anymore and was able to step back and look at issues differently without blaming myself and thinking it was just me who couldn't hack it or didn't understand.

Finding resonances in the experiences of others.

Offering connection with people going through similar experiences, with safety, anonymity, and lots of wisdom in the room!

Helping me know I'm not alone - opportunity to hear & learn from other ministry situations - and share my own experience & angle. Somewhere to raise issues that occur

Being a place I know I can turn to when needs arise.

Connecting me with others and keeping me informed

Being a safe, open, knowledgeable space.

learning from the experience and wisdom of others in a space which allows me to share confidentially and often anonymously.

Giving a wide approach to issues and how people tackle them. An awareness of ecumenical issues Not being judgemental but challenge and support is given, mostly appropriately

making me feel less isolated, and enabling me to access support and the wisdom/experience of others.

Showing that I am not alone and others have similar problems

providing anonymous capability to ask about serious and difficult situations

Having access to years of experience from others in similar situations abnd new ideas to feed on

giving opportunities to learn about the key issues facing clergy day-to-day

enabling me to bring with the surity of confidentiality matters I cannot discuss elsewhere and to have a wide range of ideas advice and ususally helpful critique when I need pulling up Resourcing me with relevent uptodate practical theological and spiritual tools that have been very helpful in parish life Offering opportunities for prayer from otehrs in ministry who understand the demands Offer me an opportunity to offer help is able to others

Reminding that we are not alone, nor are issues unique. Sometimes, as a lone worker out of the time, it is easy to forget that others face the same concerns.

offering a safe forum for exploration of perspectives & options, drawing on the wisdom, perspective & experience of others.

being a forum of wise and judicious colleagues.

Knowing what it is like for others

Staying aware of the issues that are affecting clergy across the country

providing me with the assurance that I am not alone...

keeping me in touch with current issues, reminding me that I am not alone, cheering me up with the wisdom and compassion of colleagues I may never meet, enabling me to see how fortunate I have been in my own ministry and to be grateful for that.

enabling awareness of what is going on in the wider church community and the problems today's serving clergy are going through.

Honest and varied opinions and advice

Making me feel support is available if I need it, and showing that there are others undergoing the same kind of difficulties.

it gives me a chance to consider and reflect on parts of my ministry in a confidential way.

keeping me informed, and by benefitting from the experience of others.

providing a 'safe space' to explore issues.

SH is a unique platform for enabling all in ministry, active and retired, to raise/discuss important issues/concerns in a safe/secure context. I believe it is a lifeline for many.

giving me a safe place to ask uncomfortable, personal and sometimes embarrassing questions. 2. keeping me in touch with the wider church 3. helping me not feel so alone when other support networks are not available to me

Not feeling alone.

Keeping me abreast of problems in the wider ministry world and across denominations, without the spin that is inherent in official pronouncements. Sometimes alerts me to help/advice which will be useful to others. I am a director of ordinands and hub material can be useful in helping me give advice and guidance to would-be clergy.

showing that I am not on my own with the issues I and colleagues face. It also helps me in my role caring for clergy, gaining insights and wisdom

m that informs this ministry.

Providing a safe and unjudgemental forum.

Providing a safe space to share experiences.

Giving me insights in supporting those in ministry

Advice given Information given

helping me reflect on my past ministry, often seeing in myself some of the problems of others, and sometimes even now seeing them as "Gift". It took me many years to realise I was not God's gift to a parish, but the reverse: the friends I gathered over years have been a great wealth in retirement. To use the title of Jim Wallis's community, I have learn much about being a "Sojourner"

I am retired and no longer active in ministry. I was very disillusioned with the church by the time I finished and no longer even attend. The Hub provides a tiny link with a world that was once very important to me and which I miss.

knowing there is a safe place to ask questions or vent frustrations. It also takes away the isolation of feeling that I am on my own - so many people share the same levels of frustrations and similar problems that even though you don't know each other personally - and they may be of a different denomination - it helps knowing you're not alone.

It is an excellent resource for support, ideas, considering knotty problems etc. And for shared wisdom.

Sharing issues/concerns and getting wisdom and help back.

Realise that I am not the only One going through/experiencing ups and downs of ministry

opening me to the wider experince of fellow workers.

Gain a greater understanding of my partner’s role and how I can support them.

Keeping me in touch with others in ministry, seeing how similar issues to those I encounter are being dealt with, and sometimes being able to offer comment or help to other posters

Giving me an anonymous sounding board when I need it - and at times this has been really vital. Helping me to understand the breathe of ministry and of church and the diversity of opinions that comes with that - I genuinely think that enables me to be more sensitive to others in my day to day ministry. I value being able to support others when their question or issues echoes my own experience

Making me feel part of a community where I can keep in touch with how others are thinking

providing a framework of support, both pastoral and practical, when I need it. The anonymity is a particularly useful aspect!

Felling that I am not alone in the issues I face

Reminding me that I’m not alone. The support and wisdom across different denominations and experiences are unique characteristics.

Helping to see the issues that are commonly shared by others.

Being connected to the wider world and hearing about issues and hearing opinions

Keeping up to date with current isues affecting (mainly) active clergy. In retirement, keeps me closer to other clergy.

being able to dip into topics that look relevant or stir strong emotions in me, as they come up each week in the email. It's a bit like 'reading the newspaper'. no-one ever reads every word, just the bits that, for whatever reason, attract them.

letting me know I'm not alone and that someone cares about my wellbeing not just bums on seats.

Enabling me to express concern for those who are burdened

showing me I am often not alone in my queries or stresses, and helps me o understand the areas of stress and need in the C of E

bringing me insights of some of the difficult issues that clergy and their families face

Keeping me in touch with the issues that affect clergy well being; giving a place to ask for help on practical ministry matters by drawing on the experience of others.

Being a place where I can find support, get a feel for the response of others about current dilemmas in ministry, particularly relationship issues with other members of the team, PCC's, retired clergy in one's parish etc and tricky pastoral issues that I would not feel safe asking about in my local clergy Chapter. It's also a good place to express or pick up views about announcements made by the CofE nationally. When I first joined I was struggling in a difficult Curacy (2013-2014) and I was hugely reassured to find I was not the only one facing similar or worse issues. I find it unhelpful when there are too many responses from retired clergy, or people wanting to use it as a chat room. looses it's

Being a safe space to explore situations that I need advice or support on.

I've not been an active poster, but when things were tricky the hub was a huge support. Just to dig into other's wisdom and resources was amazing, and knowing that others had 'been there' and that there was the opportunity to join in was a great comfort.

being there. Whatever is bothering me, or whatever I am curious about, there will be a resource/thread which connects with my thoughts

Providing a forum to share with other ministers

Both reflecting on issues within my own experience and increasing my awareness oi others

Keeping me in touch with a wider cross-section of those in ministry then would otherwise be possible.

Keeping me in touch with others who ‘get’ the joys and pressures of being ordained.

Keeping me in touch

Helpful for ministry but I find it heartbreaking to read of the misery people in ministry are suffering

Allowing me a place to engage in conversations, some of which I had not even thought of.

keeping me in touch with current issues and problems.

Hearing others stories with things that are so similar to my own. make you feel less isolated and more ‘normal’.

A safe and secure forum where sensitive things that matter to me can be explored in such a way that I know that I am not alone facing what I face. The Hub also gives me a space where I feel I can contribute at times by sharing experience that may be helpful to other people posting.

feeling less alone.

Knowing I am not alone

being a place I can ask questions

keeping me in touch with people and situations beyond my immediate area. I am not alone!

Keeping me in touch with a wide range of issues affecting fellow clergy

Helping me realise that I’m not alone in ministry.

Connecting me with many different people

giving a safe space to ask questions and seek support 5

Being a place to realise that I'm not alone in the joys and struggles I face.

Reminding me it isn't just me

24/7 place to go for help, support, and resources

Taking some of the loneliness out of ministry

Gives me a wider view of the church, and helps give me a better perspective of my own church, particularly when I struggle with 'problems' within the church community.

Just being there when I feel really lonely, with no one else who understands what it is like. I read post that speak directly to my experience or which I know I could experience soon. It is there 24/7... I can access it in the 'night watches' when things are out of context and no one else would take a phone call! It has been a lifeline

reminding me that I am not on my own.. The reminder that God and the Church of England are not the same thing is very helpful!

Being able to open up and no it can’t be linked back to me, so don’t not worry about what issues I can raise without being looked down upon

Providing a confidential space to ask questions of peers.

being a safe place to express myself knowing it is confidential and there are wise people with lots of experience that will help me see through the present event/stress to see the bigger picture. Also its a place where we can support one another even if we are not physically able to be present.

Helping me to realise I'm not alone in parish ministry leadership, providing valuable support with practical and emotional issues.

Realise that I am not the only One going through/experiencing ups and downs of ministry

Knowing there is a place where real issues can be brought in an open and honest way. It’s a group of people who get it and that is life giving. It reminds you you are not alone and provides a space to share on any level that is needed

Knowing I’m not alone!

Being in the background, a safe haven to go to when I need support, encouragement or I am looking for an answer to a question regarding my ministry

giving me access to support and wisdom. I am a lone priest with no colleagues and little lay support as I have no churchwardens. This is a challenging role and Sheldon helps mitigate the profound isolation.

Giving a wider support base.

I would not use the Hub to share personal stuff as others do. Occasionally I see something useful. Even more occasionally I hope I can offer a view or an insight that might be helpful to the person posting.

Providing a community

There is always someone to ask questions of…and no question is too small.

Connecting my lived ministry to others who have comparable experiences.

Reminding me that I am not alone in this challenging profession

Allowing me to count my blessings and putting my minor gripes into perspective

Knowing that there is a pastoral and prophetic voice out there.

I put not at all to 2 questions simply because being retired they do not apply. When in ministry I found it very useful as an easy way to ask questions and receive replies about sensitive issues

Helps me consider how I might respond or where I would get support with the myriad of challenges there are in ministry. There is often a variety of replies to the issue posted which help identify range of views and is honest about the feelings associated with such dilemmas

Taking multiple perspectives on an issue from some experienced clergy

Helping me to realise that in one of the loneliest vocations, there are others 'out there', dealing with the same 'stuff', different days.

Listening to wisdom from others

Letting me connect with others, see others are going through similar things, ask those questions anonymously that you otherwise might not find it safe to ask and would just need to keep inside.

Giving insights into the experience of others and receiving support

Assurance that it's not just me!

Having access to a wide range of others and their experiences, knowledge and support.

offering practical advice and wisdom on a variety of issues, both personal and ministerial.

Keeping me informed, supported and safe.

Allowing me to ask others for advice in a safe confidence space.

So good to feel I'm not really alone in what can be such a lonely role at times. I don't visit all that often but it's really good to know the Hub community has my back when I need it

All answers to the question "If the Hub didn't exist, I would lose the place where I ..."

I find information and support

could find reassurance and encouragement.

Would miss some possibly very helpful advice

Can share all things confidentially, & receive support confidentially, & benefit from others wisdom & experience.

Can keep up with what clergy are facing

...can trust confidentiality

...refresh myself through resources that are new to me or that I am reminded of

...learn more about how to support others

...can get through local disasters better, knowing that others have done the same

am encouraged to see that I am not alone. Many clergy are struggling.

Look for a few threads of sanity.

I wouldn't lose any place. I would get support from other places. Eg. My team, the newbie vicar's Facebook group, my spiritual companion, other friends.

Can access quickly and find commonality.

could do the above. I would rely very much on just a few (3, maybe 4) local colleagues - but I would lose the depth and breadth of 'discussion'.

had access to such a range of experience

can safely express my opinions - as a person who lives alone this is vitally important

Found a sense of belonging to a healthy community. able to seek and access advice in a secure and anonymous way without having to publicly admit that I was not certain about an area of ministry or life in general in the church.

Can connect with others and not feel I'm alone. Having been through some difficult times in ministry, understanding that my experiences were not unique and that others had had similar problems, was a great support.

Engage with the wider church beyond one diocese

Can freely express how I feel

I am free to express views secure in the confidentiality offered

Can ask difficult questions on ministry and seek others considered opinions.

Feel connected, heard and where I feel that I can support others in ministry even if from a distance. Also it is a good place to be kept up to date about issues like CDM in a way that is not available anywhere else.

could ask questions and seek wisdom from others

could go when desperate

can have those conversations which feel too sensitive even for anonymous threads on Facebook etc. And which involve people I don't come into contact with elsewhere

share with others, pray for people, can be honest about how difficult being a clergy spouse is, listen to others voices and differing opinions.

Learn from other clergy's varied experiences and collective wisdom in a safe space.

share experience confidentially

Can seek help and advice and see if others are feeling the same as I do over issues.

Have a place to vent, or ask questions that i dobt feel i can ask anywhere else.

Can ask questions,seek friendly helpful advice,find information

find support and encouragement, realising that some of my problems are not unique, and equally important where I can pray for those experiencing really difficult times. I miss having a Reflective Practice set up in my current diocese and if they are not going to invest in clergy well-being, praise God for the Hub which is somewhere to connect, even if only online!

Could hear and contribute help on the issues and stresses in ministry life and leadership issues

Can openly share and confidentially when best to do so, my experience of serving in ministry and find wisdom along with being able to test out if my experience is shared with others or very particular to me.

Could vent safely about the things that anger me about ordained ministry

Being aware of issues 'below the surface' of the Church

can turn to for advice from a network beyond my own denomination, and even have the scope for thinking out loud in a safe environment.

Can make comments to get things off my chest or to support others with support and encouragement where it would other wise not happen. It would be great to have more input from those in ministry outside of CofE.

find out about ministry experiences for other clergy

Can find reassurance in the unique and very pressurised role of parish ministry.

know I can be amongst friends and feel unconditionally loved and supported

Realise I am not alone in joys and struggles of ministry

Can network with others and share good practice. There is no other place like it.

find out what's really going on

As above plus a place of refuge in times of pastoral need

Reflect on the multifarious life of the church with fellow Christians from all over the country.

Could hear about how some clergy are feeling about the ministry they exercise.

could be honest whilst retaining my anonymity

can learn from the insights of others and be more aware of topics/issues of concern for my colleagues in ministry.

find out much of what's going on

can exchange understanding with people in the same situation - joys and sorrows.

feel safe saying what I am really thinking on sensitive issues

check in to see what is happening in the space where its safe

Feel normal

Feel less alone. Some clergy groups in diocese are competitive, or I’m worried about my colleagues because of their problems and don’t want to burden them.

Share or unburden with others.

became more aware of current issues faced by clergy.

Could ask questions that I feel embarrassed to ask.

I had a very bumpy and incomplete experience of initial ministry formation, so I find myself having to work things out myself or unsure where to begin. This is a space I can come to when I’m not sure.

can pray for others and offer my support.

Can share things

can learn of others' concerns.

get insight into other people's experiences

feel part of a supportive community


am able to be part of an understanding and supportive group.

Check in, take a pulse

Could receive from and offer advice to those going through similar things

can, on occasions, safely let off steam.

Find support and advice on things I never knew I needed support and advice on

Feel understood!

If the Hub did not exist something else would need to be created by someone else to replace it.

To find pout what others might really think

Can ask a question without a fuss

find support and friends

feel safe,

express my opinions without feeling embarrassed.

get new ideas

Wouldn’t miss it.

could ask for help with anything ministry related and find mutual support.

can occasionally vent my frustrations when they occur.

can quickly give or receive support.

Find out what's on folks' minds.

can raise difficult issues, ask awkward questions and not feel isolated

I can see what is going on outside my own diocese

Could ask a sensitive question anonymously

Get constructive advise

Find I’m not the only one thinking that…

Take my pain

Am able to mine a wonderful resource for wisdom and support.

Prior to retirement, I would have said....'The place where I realized I'm not the only one facing this' Very valuable when an incumbent. Now I'm not using the Hub in the same way - inevitably

Research sensitive issues and share experiences.

Life would be lonelier and less enriched

Can ask the horrible questions about ministry

can share with others in ministry (of all denominations) who ‘get it’.

could be truly honest

could vent a little

can try out ideas in a safe space

Feel heard

can be myself and get advice

all of the above safety first

...can hear the issues my friends and colleagues are dealing with, and can very occasionally offer support.

can ask anything!

learn about others experience

Can see what is affecting my fellow clergy in active ministry.

Feel supported and safe to offload and receive feedback

there's a contact with others outside the immediate sphere

I can learn about the current culture around ministry

look for safety, advice and support

feel safe and able to find the support lacking in the Church of England as a whole. Thank you, Sheldon, for providing this lifeline in what sometimes feels like a very lonely vocation.

can find a wide mixture of shared experiences which I couldn't do as easily locally.

Find encouragement and practical solid advice

Can ask for prayer

Know I will be able to find answers

Have a safe space to offload and receive support from people who 'get it'

am aware of the good & bad things regarding the treatment of the Clergy by Bishops and others

Can share anonymously and safely

Hear about others experiences and problems in ministry.

can discuss sensitive and important issues with colleagues who are isolated and spread out - I would never get to know of them, let alone meet them.

Can turn safely, confidentially, non judgementally, where I can be aware of the wider picture - of common challenges - & joys.

Go for help and support and enables me to also give help and support

Can find out what's on others minds

could see what things really are hard for clergy, and interesting advice other clergy give their peers

can safely express my views

I can engage safely

Could ask sensitive and difficult questions confidently.

find solace, comfort, support and wisdom

can look for wisdom on difficult and challenging issues.

Can 'download'

Give and receive support

I wouldn’t miss it

Feel I belong, and contribute, and can access an extensive community of wisdom knowledge and experience

Can be anonymous to ask big questions.

Connected with others outside my own area

Follow up on interesting questions

Could come and see that I am not alone with difficulties in ministry. A great place for support and understanding of the issues

(Don't understand this question)

Can access the wider range of views

There is little I will miss now

can turn to for help.

Nowhere else to put this - so I'm writing it here - the Hub often feels very Anglican-centric - not sure how you do it, but it would be nice to have some more free-church input or perspectives sometimes.

could get a sense of how life in ordained ministry is for some people

Can engage with people like me. I know of no other place like it. It is unique. It's a place I trust.

Could find the wisdom of others outside my situation anonymously

read of others issues and experiences

connect with others (nationally)

can do the above

Am reassured I am doing OK

Felt able to be honest about my very personal prayer requests and advice

tbh there are other resources and people to whom I would turn

....gain more of that perspective, and from the personal point of view of those who engage / struggle with it all day by day.

can share, giveandreceive support

Being retired, keep my eyes and ears open to the issues facing others, both working and retired

Can head for almost instant responses

could ask questions and get spiritual support

Find out what others are finding troublesome

I can talk freely and openly with like minded souls

have that extra support and resource that just isn't anywhere else. This is particularly helpful now that I am retired and so not in the usual circles of support / resource

Could feel safe and supported.

Compare experiences to make them

More bearable.

Feel human/ normal/ understood.

Feel safe, supported, engaged and where my ministry is enhanced.

Find others who understand

See the reality of ministry for some colleagues, and increase awareness of training and support needs for clergy.

Could feel that I had a safe space to be vulnerable.

Am supported to find my way in ministry

Am able to think out loud and get support and advice.

Find support when dealing with the Pensions Board, and

can interact with other clergy (I’m mostly housebound so can only do this online)

would be able to reach out for help anonymously

Can be heard, especially when dealing with difficulties that crop up

Make connections about all sorts of things and find unconditional support away from local and diocesan policies.

I know I could get wisdom if needed from peers from a range of denominations and countries

Feel safe, understood and supported.

can get a sense of wider Church issues.

... could easily reach out to people who understand; could feel part of a community in ways that I don't always on the ground.

Can be totally real about the situations I face in ministry.

could see whether others have issues I am experiencing, and how they/other dealt with it,

can ask questions/ask for advice safely and anonymously.

can share aspects of my ministry and mission experience for others' use.

find out what is really happening behind the defences and masks

can connect with people going through similar experiences to mine

go to share experience and learn stuff from others

If the hub did not exist I believe my ministry and life in general would be far poorer for it.

Without the Hub, I doubt that I would engage with the wider church - issues, events, theological reflections etc - as it is the only safe and anonymous way to do so. The regular emails are a prompt to me to have a look, and most importantly, a reminder that I'm not alone, and my ministry as a priest still means something.

feel supported by a community who I don't have to see day to day but who I know are there

trust other users to answer honestly and helpfully.

can be who i need to be without fear or favour

Can ask for help anonymously

It would be difficult to find another resource which offers so much.

Feel "seen", supported and understood. Sadly I have found diocesan and deanery management and networks are not helpful to clergy wellbeing, in fact quite the opposite sometimes. It's hard to keep going with so little support, part of the reason I "retired" early. I am hoping to engage once more after a period of rest and reflection and the Hub has been very helpful in this.

Could look for support if I were in serious trouble eg CDM

can speak the unthinkable

am in contact with a broad picture of ministry experiences

Could offer life experience.

could ask questions, both that seem simple or trivial even, or that are more complex and I am not sure I want to ask with in the diocesan structures.

remind myself never to go back into parish ministry...!

find confidential and sensible answers to queries about ministry, retirement and the difficulties that often arise but cannot easily be shared.

can be myself, ask difficult questions without fear and learn from other people's experiences.

I can when necessary go to for anonymous advice & support.

Can download and feel I am not alone

Keep in touch with what’s going on

I can keep in touch

Can get support when needed and also help others from my own experience.

Occasionally make contact

can say anything in a safe space.

Without the Hub, I would need to find other support structures where I would feel safe and be able to discuss issues with a level on anonymously. It is so good to be able to 'talk' outside of the structurs on the ‘church'.

Heard wonder ministry experiences including what might lie in the future for me or be challenging for others (pensions, retirement etc)

Can connect anonymously if I wish to receive and give support and know I am not alone in what I experience and feel.

am gently challenged by other people

Can do much of the above.

Can see or give advice.

can contribute to convations and suggest alternative perspectives.

Find significant contact with clergy colleagues but with anonomity. This is a space that operates almost as a virtual 'spiritual director'.

can connect with others from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences

I would lose a wise set of friends, some fellow travellers, somewhere I felt safe.

Be a fly on the wall to the experience of others.

Can see issues others are having.

connect with others experiencing similar challenges

Find out what's going on in the Charmers group / retirement housing

A piece of the vital jigsaw of Sheldon’s and the societies work would be closed. It works and communicates all the time especially when folk are not able to get to Sheldon

I could go to ask questions and share situations asking for help which I can't ask anywhere else.

Could connect with a wide range of others and get a sense of proportion about issues

go to share experience and learn stuff from others

Can hear about the realities of ministry today.

I feel less alone in ministry and supported by others in the same position as me

Could go for the questions you might not want to ask at chapter!

Feel supported in a confidential way.

Can get good advice which is sensitive and practical, given with genuine care even when people are helping you reflect on things you’ve done wrong. Other groups I’m on seem to go straight to platitudes, the hub, partly due to the anonymity gives honest encouragement.

learn about current state of clergy support.

...felt I could ask questions in a safe place

can freely mine the wisdom of colleagues that is so helpful.

Feel safe to ask questions and advice knowing it is not going to get back to hierarchy

Can ask for and offer support and prayer

Seek and offer advice.

Could be honest with struggles and be supported outside of the hierarchical structures of church...

I would hear constructive views from those who are being directly impacted by some of the difficult issues facing the Church, its ministers and people today.

I learn that others are in the same boat facing the same issues.

It is not just me that faces challenges and struggles.

can reflect on/discuss current matters, independently of the church hierarchy and with people who get what it's like.

I can ask people in the same position or have been in the same position.There is no other facility to meet the needs of those in ministry and their family to share problems and find support nationwide.

Could go to and know I would find support

Can be brutally honest about where I'm up to as a minister.

I would lose wise and caring counsel from a variety of perspectives.

A gentle challenge with support.

Knowing that I'm not alone.

I think I have a little wisdom born of lived experience to share when appropriate.

Garner wisdom for the future, hear and learn from the stories of what others are going through.

Can engage with other people in ministry outside of the denominational network, anonymously if I want

Felt supported by peers online

Belong to community

Inform my prayers of intercession for my fellow clergy

feel safe to share with others what can often be difficult and challenging aspects of ministry.

The hub is one of the places I look for support and advice. As a safe space provides a special service not available within normal diocesan networks

can anonymously or confidentially find support, and see what issues / concerns are around for others in ministry.

Can access a collective wisdom and wealth of experience

have access to resources and advice

As retired clergy this would have less impact on me.

have access to a balanced, non-institutional viewpoint.

could do all the above in confidentiality

Can engage with others who, one hopes, understand and may be able to reflect on whatever is under discussion

tap into a wider community of practice - to receive, and sometimes to contribute.

can ask questions outside the usual structures, confident if a safe place in which to get good and godly practical advice.

Understand what is going on in the wider context : the issues which affect people and the support which exists - both from links to resources and the support of other hubbers.

Learn about other clergy's concerns and how the church as a whole is dealing with its key staff

can support others, and have some of my needs met

see the bigger picture and appreciate my place in it, am made aware of the implications for real people of changes in legislation, church rules etc., can be reminded of how much love and thoughtfulness are out there when I am feeling low.

can feel part of a community whose members are concerned for one another; where I can glean wisdom and food for thought by reading others' points of view on current church matters.

Get help with CHARM housing issues

I haven’t been a member very long but wish I’d known about the hub earlier. It is the place where I know I can get support without involvingthe people immediately around me.

learn from the experience of more experienced colleagues.I am part of facebook groups for people at the beginning of ministry like me but this gives me a chance to hear from experience.

nothing to say here.

can seek a wide range of advice and support.

Am aware of and can raise/respond to important issues/concerns across the church.

peer out of my bunker and find that I am not alone

Connect with others.

Can get a sense of the difficulties other clergy are experiencing; also the fulfilment in what is a demanding role. Also, sometimes, a really good chuckle, which is something we all need now and again.

can share thoughts and feelings.I'd also lose the place which informs my approach to church-wide wellbeing issues - these things are not localised, and are certainly not down to a lack of resilience* in those alongside whom I work.These issues are born of us working within a broken system, and whilst reading about the brokenness of others is hugely sad, it confirms that much of what happens negatively and damagingly to clergy and their household is systemic, not individual/personal.I need to see the wider picture which this platform affords.

Acknowledging and discussing the themes often covered by Hub members can bring positive change.Unacknowledged, infrequently discussed 'elephants in the room' simply weigh us down and hold us back.We work less effectively, feel or become unwell, and we flounder rather than flourish.That's when, sometimes, senior staff tell clergy to 'be more … RESILIENT.'That’s the equivalent of being told ‘It’s just you.You’re the only one.’ (Perhaps it could be termed the ‘Horizon Effect’. i.e. ‘It’s you’re responsibility to become more resilient. It’s not our responsibility to fix the system.’The more we learn from each other, through information such as is collected by the Hub, the more able we are to counter the idea that, 'It's just you, and you need to be more resilient.'

Can find and have access to the wisdom and experience of colleagues.

Can come for advice, support, and understanding.

Can get very specific insights that are t shared in other places

find information and advice

learn much about the life I lived.

can feel some sort of connection with the church and those still active in ministry.

felt safe to vent feelings.I also would lose the place where, if needed, I can ask for prayer anonymously, knowing I won't be judged for how I feel.

Keep up with discussions among colleagues. Ministry can be a very lonely place, and the way the hub runs, one can dip in and see conversations and help with tricky situations.

Could ask for anonymous advice and help

Feel normal

feel I belonged

Can post anonymously and gain access to and give support.

......recognise what a challenging time many people in ministry experience and have the opportunity to support them by prayer and perhaps by advice

Can simply be completelymyself in a safe way

I can safely explore issues of ministry

I could ask literally any kind of question about ministerial life.

can sound off about my own issues in ministry and support others going through similar things

feel accompanied by a wonderful crowd of people.

Know that whilst Hubbers may not agree about a topic, there is lively debate and critical friendship- an antidote to echo-chamber groups on social media.

Can pray for others involved in ministry in practical ways.

Can gather wisdom, perspective and often a (rueful) smile.

Can ask questions anonymously and get great answers.

Could interact safely with colleagues across the country

Hear other opinions and issues

can air opinions safely, and get helpful feedback.

I feel safe and listened to

Could get a sense of what the wider church is doing and not doing

go for an understanding of what is going on at the grass roots in ministry

Read of others' difficulties and solutions/advice of others

Where I can look for and receive help and advice very quickly; feel a sense of connection with clergy in a huge variety of circumstances

Can access a sounding board for ministry issues nationally, and can ask my peers about sensitive issues pastorally. When I read about colleagues facing burnout, mental health issues, opposition in their parishes, it helps me to recognise where I am with such things. There is nowhere else that I could go for that level of sharing. It is also salutary that there is such a huge level of emotional and pastoral need out there amongst clergy.

find others with similar concerns, find support.

keep up and find and offer support

Would experience as wide a range of views and contexts

I'm able to engage with a wider community of those in ministry and thus able to keep my own challenges in perspective.

Listen to where other ordained clergy are, as I’m retired with no local clergy around.

Can check in/vent

Connect with people who have a similar outlook

Could do the above.

could find answers, support and help. And a place to offer help.

Can find out information confidentially.

Hear about the issues that confront clergy

Can find confidential and anonymous support. Often for me the Hub can be a place where I can find a first way to discover what the key issues are for me, thus giving me increased confidence to explore them in greater depth face to face with my supervisor or my spiritual director.

could support and feel affirmed and supported

Go to remain sane at times when my situation is unique for my geographical location or confidential in my local setting...

can connect with other clergy and people in ministry

Pick up unfiltered expressions of grass roots concerns

I can keep touch with what is really happening in the church - good and difficult.

Can think about challenges in ministry

can ask for advice and support

Can keep a finger on the pulse of what fellow Ministers are facing at the moment.

Reflect on church v faith

feel safe and connected

Find some wisdom outside my deanery and diocese

Connect with others facing similar difficulties.

Can know that other ministers are experiencing similar feelings or issues which other people wouldn't understand

can ponder on pastoral issues for clergy and how to approach tricky situations.

The warmth of responses is inspiring

Can speak about my ministry and ask the tough questions anonymously

Can find support from others.

felt I had a safe space and a supportive community, and administrators or others in position to be heard, who can fight our corner when there are church policies that are unjust or cause harm. I would feel much more alone.

Feel safe and understood, supported and cared for.

Feel normal

Can ask or share confidentially around those who get it.

Hear about real issues in ministry and reflect on my own experiences- and pray for those who are going through tough situations

can seek out support and encouragement. The hub also shows me how fortunate I am to be in the ministry I have, it helps me to count my blessing as I read the postings of so many who are not in such a fortunate place as I am

Can connect with others in a safe place. I’m not sure I could continue in role without it.

If I am unable to continue it is likely that ministry in this place will end. This is sad as there has been a church here for a thousand years. I am resilient but there is a breaking point. Sheldon, so far, has stopped me hitting it.

Connect beyond my local clergy and in a wider ecumenical place.

....might learn something useful but I don't know really why I look at it every Wednesday morning.

Keep a finger on the clerical pulse

Can ask for and offer support and prayer

The place where I am irrefutably safe.

The place I was able to confess about the hardest days, which helped reduce how scary they were and enable me to carry on and finish my contract in post.

Can share me experiences and voice my worries

Can see a broader picture

Church institutions have failed in their role to pastor the pastors. This offers a safe place and space for the wounded. It is a place of receiving and giving and is the only part of ‘the church’ where it is safe to be me.

Can keep a varied interest in active ministry even though retired.

Identify my own responses in an honest manner and where I can see others are enduring similar challenges to me with grace and usually a sense of humour

Review matters of current importance

Can rant, weep, reflect, chuckle and offer my own two penn'orth.

Learn important things

Know I can be and get support formyself without the risk that someone may identify me. There are few places in ministry where you can bring all of yourself, safely and confidentially.

As a retired clergy spouse in a Charm rental property, the hub has been a vital place of information and mutual support. We need a fairer system.

Get a view of ministry every week

Be assured that it's not just me - and potentially become very paranoid.

know that someone will be along to offer support and advice. I have been able to support others which I know has been valued.

feel safe asking questions anonymously in a mutually supportive environment.

Can ask the difficult questions and receive sensible advise.

Am supported to find my way in ministry

... can tell it as it really is - i don't need to filter.