Author: Francis, Leslie and Neal, Tony
ISBN: 978-1-78959-085-2
Publisher: Sacristy Press
Year Published: 2020
Anglican Clergy reflect on retirement
Created on 18 Mar 2020
Last updated on 06 Apr 2020
Moderated on 06 Apr 2020

The number of retired clergy in the Church of England now exceeds that of those in active stipendiary ministry. While some clergy spend much of their life in retirement involved in the life and ministry of the Church, others feel that their gifts and experience are no longer regarded as relevant in the contemporary Church, which can lead to feelings of rejection.
In this unique book, fourteen Church of England priests from across the whole spectrum of traditions reflect on their experiences as retired clergy, offering a unique insight into the ministry of the Church of England and those engaged in it. The contributors discuss what they believe about the Church and about God, how they feel about the Church of today, and how much they engage in its life.
A stimulating (and at times disturbing) book for all who care about the Church of England and its clergy.
You may also like to read Leslie Francis' blog about the subject over at the Sacristy Press website