Author: Morse, Louise
ISBN: 978-1-85424-931-9
Publisher: Monarch
Year Published: 2010
A resource for sufferers of dementia and their carers
Created on 30 Jun 2021
Last updated on 30 Jun 2021
Moderated on 01 Jul 2021

A resource for sufferers of dementia and their carers, offering consolation and support in tough times. People coping with dementia, either their own or their relative's, are so shattered that they need help almost at the Lego box level. 'Worshipping with Dementia' gives hard-pressed people a book they can pick up and leaf through for words and Scriptures and prayers to help at any time: In the morning, in the evening, over coffee or in a crisis. The biggest thing it will do is let them know they are not alone. The collection is topic related, so someone can turn to the page(s) on 'feeling rejected', or 'being misunderstood,' or 'being angry,' or 'feeling guilty' , or any one of the hundred and one things that affect them personally. For many their faith is the only thing keeping them going. This book will strengthen that lifeline.
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