

Worship and Bible storytelling for Diddy Disciples

Created on 17 Mar 2022
Last updated on 04 Apr 2022
Moderated on 04 Apr 2022


Diddy Disciples is worship and Bible storytelling by Sharon Moughtin: Anglican priest, Bible scholar, writer, and mother. Pioneer Vicar of St Mary's Eco Church.

Diddy Disciples

How it started...

Diddy Disciples began at St Peter’s, Walworth when Sharon's wriggly children were aged 3, 3, and 2, and it felt impossible to take them to church on Sunday.

When we started, everyone asked why. We only had five children and they belonged to the two leaders! Now we have thirty-five to forty-five babies, toddlers and young children every Sunday.

To start with, we aimed only at toddlers, but soon decided to include babies. They arrived with their parents & carers just before Christmas, giving us a timely reminder of how much change babies can bring with them!